Turning Superannuation into Supercharged Gains

Turning Superannuation into Supercharged Gains

In the tumultuous early months of 2020, as the world grappled with the onset of COVID-19 and ensuing lockdowns, a cloud of financial uncertainty and scepticism loomed large. Markets were in disarray, presenting a wake-up call for someone like me with a modest portfolio and limited savings. The pandemic did more than raise health fears; it illuminated the gaps in my understanding of the financial world. Familiar with terms like 'bonds,' I realised my knowledge barely scratched the surface.

This period transcended a health crisis; it ignited deep reflections and questions about the narratives and structures shaping our lives, including the financial system. My mix of concern and growing scepticism about the mainstream pandemic narrative propelled me to enhance my financial literacy. I revisited Bitcoin, a concept I first encountered during its 2017 price surge but dismissed as a fleeting trend. 

This time, my approach was different; I delved deeper, uncovering Bitcoin's potential not just as an asset class, but as a paradigm shift in viewing savings, investment, and personal financial empowerment. This marked the start of a transformative journey, reshaping my financial strategy and challenging conventional norms, especially in managing my superannuation.

My Learning Curve

During the unexpected shift in daily life brought on by the pandemic, I found myself with extra hours each day, no longer consumed by the commute or typical work routines. This newfound time became a gateway to exploration and learning, particularly about finance and Bitcoin.

I dove into a world of digital resources, discovering a wealth of knowledge right at my fingertips. My journey began with YouTube, a treasure trove of information where I could control the narrative I was exposed to. The 'Real Vision Daily Briefing' became a staple, offering me fresh, in-depth insights into the world of finance beyond the traditional scope.

Another key resource was the 'What Bitcoin Did' podcast. Its detailed discussions and expert interviews provided a well-rounded perspective on Bitcoin, making complex topics accessible and engaging.

Then, there was Preston Pysh and his illuminating podcasts. Pysh's ability to break down intricate financial concepts into digestible pieces was invaluable to my understanding. His insights into Bitcoin and the broader financial market were eye-opening, challenging my preconceived notions and encouraging deeper thought.

Regularly tuning into Bloomberg Live offered a more traditional yet expansive view of the financial world. It was a stark contrast to the increasingly unwatchable mainstream corporate news.

This phase of learning was not without its challenges. The vast amount of information available was overwhelming at times, and discerning credible sources from the noise required patience and critical thinking. But every video watched, every podcast listened to, contributed significantly to my growing understanding of Bitcoin and its potential role in my financial strategy.

It was through these resources that I began to piece together a clearer picture of the financial landscape and Bitcoin's place within it. This learning curve was steep but immensely rewarding, laying the foundation for the financial decisions I would soon make.

Decision to Invest in Bitcoin:

After countless hours of research and learning, I reached a pivotal moment in my financial journey: the decision to invest in Bitcoin. This decision wasn't taken lightly; it was the culmination of understanding Bitcoin's fundamental principles and recognising its potential as a hard asset.

The first aspect that drew me to Bitcoin was its fixed supply of 21 million coins. This scarcity mimicked the properties of traditional hard assets like gold, but in a digital form. The fixed supply meant that, unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin was immune to the whims of government-induced inflation.

Another compelling feature was Bitcoin's decentralised nature. It operates on a network that's not controlled by any single entity, making it resistant to censorship and confiscation. This decentralisation offered a sense of security and freedom, knowing that my investment was mine alone, free from the reach of any central authority.

Additionally, the resilience of Bitcoin's network reassured me. Despite various government attempts to regulate or crack down on cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin has proven to be robust and virtually impossible to shut down. This resilience underlines its potential as a sustainable investment.

The concept of 'money go up technology' also intrigued me. With each Bitcoin halving, the rate of new Bitcoin entering circulation decreases, creating a decaying supply issuance. This built-in scarcity mechanism suggested a potential for long-term value appreciation, a stark contrast to the inflationary nature of traditional fiat currencies.

Initially, I started small, investing just $100 per week. This cautious approach allowed me to get comfortable with the processes of buying, storing, and managing Bitcoin. I learned about various exchanges, the importance of security, and the best practices for self-custody.

As my confidence and understanding grew, so did my commitment to Bitcoin. Eventually, I took a bold step: liquidating my modest share portfolio and moving all my savings into Bitcoin. This wasn't just a financial decision; it was a statement of belief in Bitcoin's potential as a transformative asset class. I transitioned to self-custody, taking full control of my investment and embracing the responsibility that came with it.

This decision was more than an investment strategy; it was an embrace of a new financial paradigm, one that promised empowerment and independence in a rapidly evolving digital economy.

Superannuation to Bitcoin:

The decision to shift my superannuation to Bitcoin was a bold and unconventional move, challenging long-held beliefs about financial security and trust in traditional institutions. From a young age, we are taught to trust these institutions implicitly, especially when it comes to retirement savings. These retirement funds are often considered sacrosanct – the bedrock of our financial security in our later years. 

The traditional 60/40 portfolio (60% stocks, 40% bonds) had been the cornerstone of retirement planning for over four decades, successfully navigating the ups and downs of markets. However, the landscape began to shift post the 2008 financial crisis. The once-reliable 60/40 model started showing cracks, raising questions about its efficacy in a changing financial world.

As I delved deeper into the world of finance and Bitcoin, a growing sense of unease took hold. I began to question whether the 'experts' managing retirement funds were truly equipped to navigate this new financial era. The realisation that the financial system, far from being free and fair, appeared increasingly manipulated and fraught with systemic risks, was alarming. This was not just a theoretical concern; it became a personal fear that the traditional methodologies and a faltering system posed a real threat to my future retirement.

Seeking a more direct control over my retirement savings, I approached my superannuation fund, Australian Super, with an inquiry about gaining exposure to Bitcoin. The response I received was disheartening, riddled with inaccuracies and a clear lack of understanding about Bitcoin. This interaction was a turning point, solidifying my resolve to take control of my retirement savings.

I embarked on a journey to explore self-managed super funds (SMSF) and the possibilities they offered. The process was intricate, involving a deep dive into regulatory requirements, the establishment of a corporate trustee, and a clear understanding of compliance obligations. By July 2021, after thorough research and preparation, I made a decisive move: transferring my retirement funds into a self-managed super fund with a focus on Bitcoin. This transition to self-custody was not just a financial decision; it was an act of taking charge, an assertion of belief in a new financial paradigm where I could directly manage my savings with a focus on an asset I believed in.

This step was transformative. It represented a break from traditional financial dependence, an embrace of personal responsibility, and a leap into a future where I could align my retirement savings with my newfound understanding of the financial world.

Success and Performance:

The journey with Bitcoin has been enlightening, especially in understanding the nuanced difference between risk and volatility. Bitcoin, undeniably, is a volatile asset. Its price can swing dramatically within short periods, often making headlines for its rapid rises and steep declines. However, it's crucial to differentiate this volatility from risk, particularly when viewed through a long-term lens.

Bitcoin operates on a four-year cycle, primarily driven by the halving of its supply every four years. This cycle has historically been a significant factor in its price fluctuations. The key lesson I've learned is the importance of perspective. While the 24-hour news cycle often paints Bitcoin as a high-risk investment due to its volatility, a longer-term view tells a different story. Over the past 15 years, those who have saved in Bitcoin and held for at least four years have consistently seen substantial returns. While past performance is not a definitive predictor of future outcomes, the track record has been compelling.

Holding Bitcoin in self-custody, I've realised, is one of the less risky methods of wealth preservation, provided it's done correctly. Its unconfiscatable nature and the ease with which it can be moved make it a resilient asset. Since redirecting my retirement savings to Bitcoin, I've observed the following annual performance:

Year 1: +302%

Year 2: +60%

Year 3: -64%

Year to Date: +125%

Total over 4 years: +420%

In contrast, had I remained with Australian Super, the performance would have been:

Year 1: +20%

Year 2: -3%

Year 3: +8%

Year to Date: 0%

Total over 4 years: +26%

This comparison illustrates not just the volatility of Bitcoin, but its potential for significant returns. While the journey has had its ups and downs, I have complete control and ownership of my funds. In my view, this level of autonomy and the long-term performance of Bitcoin far outweigh the risks associated with its volatility. The journey with Bitcoin has been more than an investment; it's been a paradigm shift in understanding and managing wealth.


In sharing my journey from traditional superannuation to a self-managed super fund (SMSF) focused on Bitcoin, my goal is to enlighten and assist others who might be considering a similar path. Recognizing the complexities and the lack of straightforward information available, I created a resource, bitcoinsuper.io. 

This platform is a comprehensive guide, born from my experiences and learnings. It's a free resource aimed at demystifying the process of incorporating Bitcoin into your retirement planning. It includes detailed steps, answers to frequently asked questions, and practical tips to facilitate a smooth transition for those interested in taking control of their retirement funds with Bitcoin.

However, embarking on this journey requires careful consideration and preparation. Here are some steps and tips I recommend based on my experience:

It's important to remember that investing in Bitcoin, especially through an SMSF, carries its own set of risks and complexities. The volatile nature of Bitcoin, regulatory considerations, and the responsibility of self-managing your fund should not be underestimated. I urge you to conduct thorough research, seek advice from financial experts, and consider your personal financial situation and risk tolerance before making any decisions.

The journey to incorporating Bitcoin into my superannuation was challenging but rewarding, offering both financial gains and a sense of empowerment. Through bitcoinsuper.io and my shared experiences, I hope to provide a roadmap for those looking to explore this path. However, every financial journey is unique, and what worked for me may not be the best course for everyone. Hence, I encourage you to embark on this journey with caution, armed with knowledge, and a clear understanding of your own financial goals and risk appetite.


My journey from a lack of understanding of traditional finance to embracing Bitcoin has been transformative. It was driven by a desire to understand and take control of my financial future, especially in the context of retirement planning. When something didn't feel right with the traditional system, I took it upon myself to explore alternatives, leading me to Bitcoin. This exploration wasn't just about investment; it was about empowerment and securing a future that aligned with my understanding of finance, money, and the evolving financial system.

I chose to allocate my retirement savings to Bitcoin, but this path might not be for everyone. Even a small allocation to Bitcoin could potentially have a meaningful impact on your retirement planning. Conversely, avoiding it altogether could be a serious missed opportunity. I encourage you to reflect on your current financial strategy and consider if exploring Bitcoin could be beneficial. Remember, it's not about going all in, but about making informed decisions that suit your unique financial situation and goals.

If my story has sparked your interest or curiosity, I invite you to reach out for more information. Visit bitcoinsuper.io for a detailed account of my journey and practical guides, or connect with me and our team of experts at thebitcoinadviser.com. We're here to help you understand Bitcoin, secure your investments, and ensure peace of mind.

I have conversations with people at various stages of this financial journey every week. Each story is unique, but the common thread is the desire to secure a comfortable and happy retirement, reducing the risk of being left unprepared. Your future self deserves that peace of mind. Reach out, start your journey, and join a growing community that's redefining the way we think about savings and retirement. Your future retired self will thank you.