The properties of bitcoin make it an ideal investment in your superannuation

Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency that has been gaining popularity in recent years. With its unique properties, it has become an attractive investment option for many individuals. One area where Bitcoin can be particularly beneficial is in a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF). In this blog post, we will explore why having Bitcoin in your SMSF can be beneficial.


One of the key benefits of Bitcoin is its decentralisation. It operates without a central authority like a government or a bank, which means that it is not subject to the same restrictions and regulations as traditional fiat currencies. This makes it an attractive option for those who are looking for a more independent investment option. By having Bitcoin in your SMSF, you are taking control of your investments and diversifying your portfolio beyond traditional assets like stocks and bonds.

Limited Supply

Bitcoin has a limited supply, with a cap of 21 million Bitcoins. This means that there will never be more than 21 million Bitcoins in existence, which helps to ensure that Bitcoin maintains its value over time. This makes it an attractive option for long-term investment strategies, particularly for retirement savings. By including Bitcoin in your SMSF, you are investing in an asset that has a limited supply and the potential to appreciate in value over time.


Bitcoin transactions are secured using cryptography, making them virtually impossible to hack or counterfeit. The blockchain, which is the public ledger that records all Bitcoin transactions, ensures that transactions are tamper-proof and irreversible once they are confirmed. This provides greater security and transparency compared to traditional banking methods. By having Bitcoin in your SMSF, you are investing in an asset that is secure and provides greater transparency in your investment portfolio.

Fast and Cheap

Bitcoin transactions can be processed quickly and at a low cost compared to traditional banking methods. This is because there are no intermediaries involved in the transaction process. By including Bitcoin in your SMSF, you are investing in an asset that can facilitate fast and low-cost transactions, providing greater efficiency in your investment portfolio.


Bitcoin can be used as a currency anywhere in the world, and it is not subject to the same restrictions as traditional fiat currencies. It can also be used to facilitate cross-border transactions without the need for intermediaries. By having Bitcoin in your SMSF, you are investing in an asset that provides greater flexibility in your investment portfolio and the potential for global diversification.

In conclusion, including Bitcoin in your self-managed superannuation fund can provide numerous benefits, such as decentralisation, limited supply, security, fast and cheap transactions, and global diversification. However, it is important to note that Bitcoin is a volatile asset, and investing in it carries risks. It is important to do your research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.